About us
The Advanced Medical Academy International has been created to assist doctor, dentist, pharmacist, nurse and all healthcare professionals to advance their career and develop skills that are respected and allow them to progress into higher career, promotion and revenue pathway. We have advanced trainers who specialise in different fields and build you to a status that you dream or deserve. We help you getting career and qualifications for your success. Our focus is to help you clearing the barriers or exams, tests, professional hurdles etc and go beyond all this for a successful career path.
We make you efficient, competent and confident. Each and every PLAB 1 question contain a clincher (salient point / vignette) inside. Even though, the question is too long if a candidate can quickly identify the clincher inside the question, the candidate can arrive to the correct answer within a half a minuet. We guide you how to find out these clinchers inside each and every question within few seconds and mark the correct answer without reading the whole question.
Advanced Medical Academy International offers the most up-to-date and advanced courses for doctors starting from PLAB 1, PLAB 2, Bridging the Gap ( Between their own country practice and Western World), as welll as Professional Specialisation courses for mature doctors. WE have experienced doctors and trainers who have academic experience and expertise for decades that makes you expert in topics and subjects faster. You just need to see and experience yourself.